Your Trusted Partner in a Complex World

JMSB Strategies, LLC is a purpose-driven firm. We’re passionate about helping great people succeed in creating thriving workplaces and communities.

Greenpicker Trail. Pt. Reyes National Seashore. Photo: Schutz

Currently offering services in executive coaching, strategic advising, executive performance evaluations, facilitation, trainings, transition support, team and culture, DISC/EI/CliftonStrengths, and international projects.

Jim has led everything from major capital projects to strategic plans to internal culture initiatives.

Let Jim’s 30 years of experience leading wildly successful teams in cities of all sizes, in the US and internationally, help you and your team achieve your goals.

Jim has worked in local government for 30 years in US cities of all sizes and internationally.

He has successfully led organizations through extremely complicated issues, from natural disasters to societal challenges - while greatly improving financial stability and building an award-winning culture of innovation and community-centered design.

It’s all about the people. We can accomplish great things, but it’s the relationships we make along the way that are the most rewarding.

Jim has written over a dozen published articles on executive management, leadership, overcoming challenges, retail development, and more.

Jim writes for publications such as: Public Management (PM) magazine, Western City, Planning, and Government West.

Let’s connect and see where we can help you whether it is coaching, advising, facilitation, training, culture building, or other support.

Reach out to learn more about what we do, ask a question, or schedule a free consultation.