What People are Saying…
Wildcat Beach, Pt. Reyes. Photo: Schutz
“You’ve made me feel valued, respected, and trusted in everything I do. I can always rely on your supportive responses and thoughtful questions. Your line of questions in one project helps me to be even stronger in my next.”
Lindsay Lara, Elected City Clerk, City of San Rafael
“Thank you so much for helping me think things through, in a way that only you can - Thoughtful. Prepared. Impactful.”
Danielle O’Leary, Director of State and Local Affairs
Prologis, Inc.
[On Jim’s executive retreats] “You would feel like you were with Steve Jobs at a TEDTalk and he was introducing this new thing called the iPhone. By the time we were done listening to him, we were ready to run through walls for the city manager.”
Rob Epstein, Partner at Epstein Holtzapple Christo LLP, and City Attorney for multiple cities/towns
“You were the first leader I admired (and definitely my first boss), that empowered me to believe I didn’t have to choose between being a great mom and being a successful professional.”
Cristine Alilovich, City Manager, City of San Rafael
“You created a team where we all felt equal. No competition, no favoritism, no games. Only a group of individuals who cared deeply about each other and celebrated each person’s success as if it were their own.”
Susan Andrade-Wax, Retired Library and Recreation Director
“I have been a director for a long time, but approaching problems and challenges with you as a partner always brings a fresh perspective. Thank you for pouring so much of yourself into me and helping me to be a better leader.”
David Spiller, Chief of Police, City of San Rafael
“If you are ever in a survival match where you have to choose teams you want Jim on your side. He is intelligent, strategic, relentlessly hardworking, and will always always have your back.”
Kip Harkness, Deputy City Manager, City of San Jose
“I visited Florida for my dad’s 90th birthday where we binge-watched the series “Ted Lasso” which was positive and uplifting right when we needed it the most. And it wasn’t until I got back home that I knew that I’d been working with the real Ted Lasso for the entire time [Jim Schutz]. He got me and all of us to be our better selves.”
Joanne Webster, CEO North Bay Leadership Council
“If there were a metric for evaluating the impact of a coach or mentor, it might be how often you reuse that person’s guidance when others ask you for advice. For me, the wisdom and principles that I reshare most often are almost always borrowed from Jim.
I started working for Jim when I turned 30-years-old, and that was the moment in my career when I finally transitioned into a true adult, professional organization.
Whether it was his ethics, vision, culture change, or coaching, I grew immensely as both an executive and a human being because of his support and his example. All these years later, he is still there for me, willing to listen, encourage, and help me see things from new and empowering perspectives.”
Andrew Hening, Author, Lecturer, Principal/CEO
“Thank you again for your invaluable advice! I felt so motivated and energized after our talk. You really made a huge impact on everyone, both on a professional and personal level.”
Joanna Kwok, Assistant Public Works Director, City of San Rafael
“Whether you are looking for a thought partner, facilitator, or a hands-on project manager, Jim has the unique ability to produce successful, innovative, strategic, and practical solutions for the most perplexing issues in local government.
He is one of the most effective and accessible leaders in our industry”
Peggy Flynn, City Manager, City of Petaluma
“[The MPA students] gained so much listening to you, and you’ve shaped our future leaders -- you’re so instrumental."
Dr. M. Ernita Joaquin, Associate Professor and ICMA Faculty Advisor, San Francisco State University’s School of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement
"You are a wonderful teacher. You engage with competence, experience, knowledge, and authenticity. We are so grateful to you for being on our team."
Dr. Denise Lucy, Executive Director, Institute of Leadership Studies, Professor, Business and Organizational Studies (Dominican University)
“Great job today Jim! I’m excited to be working with you in this capacity, you held the space for our leaders very well and I know there will be a positive impact from today’s session."
Jessi Hunt, Learning and Organization Development Principal, County of Marin
"Your advice and counsel have been invaluable the past few months. I definitely would not be here now if it wasn’t for you."
Bay Area City Manager, regarding JMSB Strategies’ assistance through the recruitment process